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Organic geochemistry I

Class at Faculty of Science |


Biogeochemical cycle of carbon. Beginnings of Life on Earth.

Methods of isolation and characterisation of natural organic compounds.

Main groups of organic compounds.

Basics of geochemistry of soils.

Organic compounds of soils, peats and sediments. Organic compounds of natural waters.

Humic compounds, their composition structure and formation.

Weathering and role of organics in alteration processes.


The aim of this course is to deepen the knowledge of the global biogeochemical carbon cycle, to learn about processes of accumulation and transformation of organic matter in soils, peats and natural waters. We will review different relationships existing between the organic and inorganic compartments. This course is followed by Organic Geochemistry II in the subsequent semester focused on organic matter and carbonaceous compounds in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

Aiken G.R. et al. (1985): Humic substances in soil, sediment and water. Wiley, 692 pp.

Stevenson F. J. (1982): Humus chemistry. Genesis, composition, reactions. Wiley, 430 pp.

Thurman E.M. (1985): Organic geochemistry of natural waters. Nijhoff/Junk. 497 pp.

Perdue E.M. and Gjessing E.T. (eds.) (1990): Organic acids in aquatic ecosystems. Wiley, 345 pp.