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Waste geochemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Waste management and legislation of EU and Czech Republic, normative tests for waste assessment.

Metallurgical wastes (slag, matte), processing technology, mineralogy and crystal chemistry, natural weathering processes, liberation of heavy metals and other contaminants and their mobility, reuse of slags for civil engineering purposes.

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash, mineralogy and stability of major phases, contaminant liberation, maturation processes, technologies of stabilization, reuse.

Air pollution control (APC) residues, treatment of flue gas, mineralogy and crystal chemistry of fly-ash, dissolution of major mineral compounds, treatment, stabilization/solidification.

Tailings and other mine waste, acid mine drainage (AMD) concept, chemistry of acid mine waters, mobility of heavy metals, remediation techniques.

Municipal waste, collection and valorization, landfills, contamination of groundwater by landfill plumes, heavy metals and organic compounds, attenuation processes in landfill leachate, redox zones, construction of modern landfills, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners (GCL).

Nuclear waste, containment, stability of nuclear glasses, analogues of nuclear waster, repositiories.


Waste Management (Elsevier Science)

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Elsevier Science)

Environmental Geology (Springer Verlag)

D. Langmuir (1997): Aqueous environmental geochemistry, Prentice Hall.


Waste management and legislation of EU and Czech Republic, normative tests for waste assessment.

Metallurgical wastes (slag, matte), processing technology, mineralogy and crystal chemistry, natural weathering processes, liberation of heavy metals and other contaminants and their mobility, reuse of slags for civil engineering purposes.

Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash, mineralogy and stability of major phases, contaminant liberation, maturation processes, technologies of stabilization, reuse.

Air pollution control (APC) residues, treatment of flue gas, mineralogy and crystal chemistry of fly-ash, dissolution of major mineral compounds, treatment, stabilization/solidification.

Tailings and other mine waste, acid mine drainage (AMD) concept, chemistry of acid mine waters, mobility of heavy metals, remediation techniques.

Municipal waste, collection and valorization, landfills, contamination of groundwater by landfill plumes, heavy metals and organic compounds, attenuation processes in landfill leachate, redox zones, construction of modern landfills, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners (GCL).

Nuclear waste, containment, stability of nuclear glasses, analogues of nuclear waster, repositiories.


Waste Management (Elsevier Science)

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Elsevier Science)

Environmental Geology (Springer Verlag)

D. Langmuir (1997): Aqueous environmental geochemistry, Prentice Hall.