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Stable isotope geochemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction, fractionation processes, standards, principles of mass spektroscopy

2. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, sample preparation methods , major fractionation mechanisms.

3. New microanalytical techniques (laser probe, SIMS, SHRIMP, multicolector ICP-MS). Carbon isotopes, sample preparation methods , fractionation mechanisms.

4. Sulphur isotopes, sample preparation methods , fractionation mechanisms.

5. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in hydrosphere, water types, ice-based paleoclimatology. 6-7. Geothermometry of magmatic a metamorphic rocks, water-rock interactions, isotopic tracers of magma evolution

8. Stable isotopes applied to sedimentary and diagenetic processes: carbonates, phosphates, silicites (cherts), clays and sedimentary organic matter.

9. Application of stable isotopes (C, O, S) to study of ore deposits and mineralization processes.

10. Theory and application of isotopes of N, Li, B, Si, Cl, Fe, Cu, ...


Stable isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulphur, nitrogen, international isotopic standards, preparation techniques for mass-spectrometric measurements, fractionation mechanisms of stable isotopes, variations of stable isotope ratios in nature, isotopic composition of natural waters, water-rock interaction, geothermometry of magmatic and metamorphic rocks, using stable isotope data in petrology of sedimentary rocks, geology of ore deposits, environmental studies


Hoefs J. (1997): Stable isotope geochemistry. - Springer-Verlag, 4 th ed., Berlin, 201 pp.

Rolinson H.R. (1993): Using geochemical data: evaluation, presentation, interpretation. - Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, 266-315.

Faure G. (1986): Principles of isotope geology. - J.Wiley & Sons, New York, 589 pp.