The block lecture simply explains the universal principles and practical experience with phenomenal mass spectrometry (MS) with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as an ion source. This modern method of research breakthroughs effectively establishes almost the entire periodic table of elements with excellent detection of trace elements, rare elements and rare earth elements.
ICP MS is also able to determine the isotopic conditions used to investigate the genesis, origin and source of elements and substances. It has an interesting application in the fields of health care, environment, life sciences, chemistry, geochemistry, food industry, technical sciences, fuel cells, semiconductors, hydrogen technologies, photovoltaics, nuclear research, industry, research into the origin of pollution and other applications in natural sciences, Earth and technical sciences.
Students and PhD students will also obtain basic and practical information about this analytical method, principles of sampling and sample preparation, ultra-trace analysis, data evaluation and interpretation. Comparison with thermal ionization mass spectrometry TIMS used for geochronological and rock genesis studies will be performed.
The block lecture will explain the universal principles and practical experience with mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma ion source (ICP MS) with a breakthrough efficient determination of almost the entire periodic table with excellent detection of trace and rare elements. ICP MS is able to determine isotopic composition with various uses in natural, technical and human sciences.
Interesting examples of applications in the fields of health care, environment, biological materials, chemistry, geochemistry, investigation of the origin of pollution, archeology, anthropology, forensic analysis and other applications in the natural and earth sciences will be presented.