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X-ray diffraction methods

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Origin of X-Rays, X-Ray sources, interaction with matter (small angle scattering, Bragg diffraction). Amorphous and crystalline matter.

2. Monochromatization (filtration, monochromators, Goebel mirrors), detectors (Film, CCD, Imaging plate, 0D, 1D and 2D detectors).

3. Single crystal vs. powder diffracion: Different views of the same substance.

4. Types of geometric arrangements of diffraction experiments (Bragg-Brentano, Debye-Scherrer, microdiffraction)

5. Preparation of saples for powder diffraction, preffered orientation problems.

6. Data collection, limitations and first view on pattern.

7. Powder diffraction pattern processing, difffraction lines profiles (FWHM, height and integral intensities)

8. Crystallographic databases: ICDD, ICSD, What they contain and how to navigate them.

9. Qulitative idetiffication of crystalline phases (search-match), processing softwares.

10. Indexation of lines, cell parameter calculation.

11. Quantiatitive and semiquantitative analysis of mixtures methods: internal standards, currundum numbers, Fiala method, recalculation of silicate analysis. During the course there will be several practical excercises in our X-Ray laboratory. Trained students can work independently with the diffractometer.   Successful solution of the credit project (processing of X-ray diffraction pattern) and passing the exam are required.


In the advanced course will be students introduced into X-ray interaction with mater theory, methods of data collection, data processing and its utilization in the geo-sciences.