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Supergene minerals

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Přehled teminologie (co je supergenní mineralogie a supergenní minerály), procesy při vzniku supergenních zón, metodika studia procesů supergenních zón, jejich morfologický charakter a hloubkový rozsah, hranice primární a supergenní mineralizace, rychlost vzniku supergenních zón a jejich absolutní stáří, faktory ovlivňující charakter supergenní zóny, typy supergenních minerálních asociací, přehled chování vybraných chemických prvků (Fe, Cu, Sb, U) v supergenním procesu


a) Introduction, basic definitions (what is oxide zone of ore deposits, resolution of principle types of oxide zone mineral associations) b) minerogenetic processes in oxide zones (origin of chemical elements, their releasing from primary bonds, migration and deposition) c) methods for the study of oxide zone processes (view of methodical approaches: geological; geochemical - modelling based on thermodynamic and kinetic data; mineralogical) d) morphological character and deep range of oxide zones in-situ, borders between supergene and primary mineralization e) speed of oxide zones origin and their absolute age f) factors influencing the character of oxide zone and their variability in the time g) oxide zone mineral association as a product of oxide zone processes h) types of oxide zone mineral associations and examples for different source materials and conditions i) similar natural processes and their mineral associations j) importance of research on oxide zone mineral associations and possibilities of application of the results obtained