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Economic geology field course

Class at Faculty of Science |


The aims of this course are three-fold: 1) to learn various methods of underground geological mapping and to develop skils related to ore sampling, map construction and well-logging. 2) visiting several active and abandoned mineral deposits in order to face problems of mineral deposits prospection, mine development, ore processing, landscape and environmental protection and mine recultivation 3) to learn regional geology of the visited area. Students participate in the form of short talks and printed excursion-guide in the excursion program at individual visited localities.


The aims of this course are three-fold: 1) to learn various methods of underground geological mapping and to develop skils related to ore sampling, map construction and well-logging. 2) visiting several active and abandoned mineral deposits in order to face problems of mineral deposits prospection, mine development, ore processing, landscape and environmental protection and mine recultivation 3) to learn regional geology of the visited area. Students participate in the form of short talks and printed excursion-guide in the excursion program at individual visited localities.