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Advanced Reading Course

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course program focus on practical skills related to improvements in understanding of scientific texts and presentation skills. During each lecture students read scientific articles and explain orally the main points and results to the audience.

Furthermore, during semester students present summaries of several (at least 3) selected English-written papers (powerpoint presentation, 15 minutes long).


Reading course for students of all levels (bachelor, master, PhD), no particular specialization or knowledge are required). This course is suitable for all master and doctoral students of the Faculty of Science given that the course aims to improve understanding of scientific texts and presentation skills . During each lecture students read scientific articles and explain orally the main points and results to others (public). Furthermore, during semester students present summaries of several (at least 3) selected English-written papers (powerpoint presentation, 15 minutes long).

The course material can be found at the following link: