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Microanalysis of Geomaterials

Class at Faculty of Science |

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1. Scanning electron microscopy and related imaging methods (SE, BSE, CL).

2. Qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis by X-ray detection (EDS and WDS).

3. Crystallographic orientation measurement of minerals by backscattered electron diffraction (EBSD).

4. Method of sample preparation for use in scanning electron microscopy.

5. Fundamentals of processing analytical data - conversion of chemical analyzes to crystal-chemical formulas and calculations of end members, work with image outputs (SE, BSE, CL images, composition maps).

6. Scanning electron microscope: image acquisition, optimal conditions, energy spectra.

7. Scanning electron microscopy: quantitative analysis, compositional maps, automatic mode, spectra post-processing, data export.

8. Electron microprobe: image acquisition, optimal conditions setting, energy spectra reading, software analysis.

9. Work on electron microprobe: reading of quantitative analyzes, reading of compositional maps, working in automatic mode, possibility of data export and processing of outputs within software.

10. Working with data and preparation of protocol - conversion of analyzes, data processing into the form for required presentation (diploma thesis, publication).   Předmět byl inovován v rámci projektu ESF pro VŠ II na UK, reg. č.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013322


Advanced course on principles and applications of scanning electron microscopy and related methods for the study of geomaterials. During theoretical part, students will be introduced to the principles of scanning electron microscopy and related analytical methods (energy dispersive spectrometry - EDS, wave dispersive spectrometry - WDS, backscattered electron diffraction – EBSD). Substantial part of the course is focused on the practical use of the equipment of our laboratories – SEM and the electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA). Students will be trained in more advanced use of the devices for image and analysis acquisition, including advanced settings of the analytical conditions and opportunity to study their samples related to their projects. As an outcome, students will process the acquired data and elaborate a protocol.

Completion of this course is considered as a basic prerequisite for the use of instrumentation in laboratories of electron microscopy and microanalysis.

Organization and protocols processing will be handled on Google Classroom platform