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Rheology and Deformation Microstructures

Class at Faculty of Science |

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1) Reologie obecně, definice a terminologický nesoulad

2) Deformační mechanismy

3) Defekty krystalové mřížky

4) Deformační zotavení, mechanismy rekrystalizace

5) Dislokační tok a krystalová přednostní orientace

6) Parametry dislokačního toku, příroda versus experimenty

7) Parametry difuzního toku, míchání minerální fází během deformace

8) Mapy deformačních mechanismů

9) Koncept reologických křivek a pevnosti litosféry


The course is taught in English when at least one international student is enrolled. How do deformation structures form? Why, how and under which conditions can rocks flow? What are the micro-scale mechanisms behind the development of rock fabrics? These are the fundamental questions and this is the course to answer them.

The course aims to understand mechanical behavior (rheology) of Earth materials exposed to various environmental conditions (e.g. pressure, temperature, force-stress, deformation rate) as a key to understand the large-scale processes leading to redistribution of large portions of Earth`s crust and mantle. A physical response of Earth materials to deformation will be explored throught the micro-scale study of deformation microstructures and crystal plasticity. Particular examples of various rock microstructures will be demonstrated during the practical part of the course. In addition, the course aims to clarify physical background of intracrystalline and intercrystalline deformation and recrystallization processes occurring in most common Earth materials.