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Experimental Petrology

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course 'Experimental petrology' covers the following subjects:  

- Introduction and historical summary of experimental petrology

- Kinetics of phase change and its experimental research

- Methods of preparation of natural and synthetic starting materials

- Choice of the appropriate sample container

- Experimental buffering techniques (phase rule, buffering of partial pressures of gases and supercritical fluids, buffering of mixed volatile phases at elevated pressures, buffering of activities and solid-solid solutions in solid phases)

- Experimental methods at ambient pressure (1 bar)

- Experimental methods at moderate pressures: cold seal pressure vessel (CSPV)

- High-pressure solid-media experimental techniques (piston cylinders)

- Evaluation of petrologic experiments (preparation of run products, analytical and spectroscopic methods of examination and quantification)

- Cases study: discussion of selected experimental studies


Target students: master and doctoral level


This course offers a general overview on the most common experimental methods used in petrology to study physical and thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of solid, liquid and gaseous phases at magmatic and metamorphic conditions. Several pressure/temperature devices are presented and discussed together with the basic principles for making starting materials and the evaluation of run products.


The course will provide the fundaments of experimental petrology. The main goals are the acquisition of basic knowledge about experimental facilities and the design and setup of an experimental study targeted to obtain quantitative data on phase relations, thermodynamic, kinetic and rheological properties of geological samples as well as the examination, analysis and evaluation of run products. At the end of the course, students should be able to design appropriate experimental plans and to evaluate experimental data independently.

The course material can be found at the following link: