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Field Course in Geodynamics

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Účelem kuzu je pochopit petrologické a strukturní vztahy ve vybranem terénu a naučit se interpretovat ziskaná data přimo v terenu. Kurz je určen pro studenty bakalářského, magisterského a postgraduálního studia geologických specializací, orientovaných na terénní výzkum.


The course aims to reach field oriented students at all levels of their studies with the main focus to MSc programme. The course runs as field excursion aiming at synthesis of direct field observations in petrology and structural geology.

The course takes place in various orogenic domains e.g. Vosges, Eastern and Western Alps, Erzgebirge or West Carpathians.

Students cover expenses for their accommodation, typically up to 1500 CZK per entire course.