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Water Protection

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Pollutants, their properties and sources

2. Transport processes in rock environment

3. Methods of contaminant sites investigation, risk assessment

4. Fuel and chlorinated hydrocarbons as contaminants

5. Dumping sites, waste waters

6. Mining wastes, mining waters

7. Water pollution from agriculture

8. General water protection and water resources protection zones

9. Natural attenuation of organic and inorganic pollutants


Importance of groundwater protection in hydrogeology and environmental protection, history of groundwater protection and contaminant hydrogeology. Qualitative water standards, inorganic and organic compounds in groundwater, their sources and properties, migration and behavior of contaminants in geological environment (saturated and unsaturated zone). Mathematical and other models of grounwater flow and contaminant behavior and transport.

Main principles and methods of contaminant investigation, problems around waste and dumps, groundwater monitoring, water, soil, rock and vapour sampling.

Risk assessment, decision about remediation and goal remedial limits.

Groundwater protective zones, regional groundwater protection (quantitative and qualitative).