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Tracers and tracer tests in hydrogeology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1 Introduction: isotopes, their structure, physical and chemical behaviour; stable and radioactive isotopes; environmental isotopes; artificially produced isotopes; the most common isotopes in the environment 2. Stable isotopes 2.1.

Expressing the concentration of stable isotopes; the d notation of isotope concentration 2.2. World standards for expressing the concentration of stable isotopes 2.3.

Isotopic fractionation 2.4. Deuterium and oxygen-18 isotopes in the hydrological cycle; the meteoric line and specific isotopic composition of precipitation, surface, and ground water; temperature, latitude, continental and altitude effects 2.5.

Carbon-13 isotope in organic and inorganic matter 3. Radioactive isotopes 3.1.

Cosmogenic environmental radionuclides; tritium and carbon-14 as environmental isotopes in the hydrosphere 3.2. The law of of radioactive disintegration 3.3.

The principle of ground-water dating by means of tritium and carbon-14; de Vries, Suess and bomb effects 3.4. Tritium and carbon-14 as product of nuclear bomb testing and as environmental tracers 4.

Other environmental isotopes in the hydrosphere 5. Application of isotope techniques in hydrology 5.1.

The motion of the atmospheric moisture on the global scale 5.2. Investigation of the relationship between precipitation, infiltration and runoff 5.3.

Determining of the recharge area of ground water 5.4. Dating of ground water; geochemical and hydrodynamic models; ground-water age and residence time; limiting factors of dating 5.5.

Determining the time of origin of ground water; attributing of the ground-water origin to the geochronostratigraphic scale; attributing ground water to the past hydrological cycles 5.6. Paleoclimatic studies 5.7.

Determinig ground-water flow velocity in deep aquifers 5.8. Separating hydrographs 5.9.

Application in water management and evaluation of water resources 5.10.Application in hydraulic engineering and mining 6. Demonstrating case histories


Environmental isotopes and theoretical foundations of isotope hydrology. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen; identification of water according to their fractionation.

Other environmental isotopes. Application of environmental isotopes in environmental and hydrological investigation and in technology.