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Class at Faculty of Science |


1.     Introduction,

2.     Rocky environemnt, rock-solid phase characteristics, porosity, liquid in rocks.

3.     Rock density parameters, volume and mineralogical density, porosity, permeability, methods of parameter measurement.

4.     Magnetic properties for magnetic survey, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetism, archeomagnetism.

5.     Electric properties of rocks, resistivity, permitivity, electrochemical activity, electric properties of rocks and factors influencing them, mesurement methods.

6.     Radioactive properties of rocks, radioactivity of Czech Republic.

7.     Elastic rock properties

8.     Thermal rock properties

9.     Relationships between rocks' physical properties

10.  Physical rock properties in geophysical survey and geological interpretations.


Introduction. Rock as a physical environment. Mass property of rocks: Density, Porosity, Permeability. Magnetic properties of rocks: magnetic properties for magnetic exploration, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetic and archaeomagnetic research, magnetostratigraphy. Electrical properties of rocks: resistivity, permitivity,electrochemic activity, special electric properties. Radioactive properties of rocks. Thermal properties of rocks. Mechanical (engineering) properties of rocks. Inelastic and elastic constants of minerals and properties of rocks.

Student becomes familiar with the mathematical petrophysics ranging across microscopic to geographic scales from a perspective of strategic thinking rather than tactical cookbook recipes.