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Radiometric survey

Class at Faculty of Science |



1. Radionuclide methods in geosciences

1.1 Discoveries and historical development in radioactivity measurements

1.2 Division of radionuclide methods

1.3 Methods of measurement and application of radionuclide methods *

2. Physical principles of radionuclide methods

2.1 Structure of the mass, atoms

2.2 Nuclear transitions, radioactivity

2.3 The law of radioactive decay

2.4 Natural radionuclides (natural decay series, radioactive equilibrium, other natural radionuclides)

2.5 Man-made radionuclides *

3. Nuclear radiation and its interaction with matter

3.1 Sources of nuclear radiation

3.2 Alpha radiation

3.3 Beta radiation

3.4 Gamma radiation

3.5 Neutron radiation

3.6 Cosmic radiation *

4. Radiation quantities and units *

5. Measurement of nuclear radiation

5.1 Detectors

5.2 Instruments

5.3 Statistical nature of radioactive decay, precision and errors of radiometric measurements

5.4 Parameters: sensitivity, detection limit, energy resolution, dead time *

6. Physical principles of gamma methods

6.1 Gamma radiation of various geometrical sources

6.2 Emission energy gamma-ray spectra and registered instrument gamma-ray spectra

6.3 Total count measurements and gamma-ray spectrometry

7. Physical principles of neutron methods

7.1 Neutron sources

7.2 Interaction of neutrons with matter

8. Field methods of measurement of natural radioactivity

8.1 Radioactivity of the Earth and rocks

8.2 Radioactivity of rocks in the Czech Republic

8.3 Ground gamma-ray survey (components of measured gamma radiation, radiometric anomalies, depth range of gamma survey, environmental effects, total count measurement, instrument calibration and reporting units, gamma-ray spectrometry, instrument calibration and reporting units, radiometric mapping, radioactive raw materials surveying)

8.4 Radiometric assaying

8.5 Depth gamma survey

8.6 Interpretation of gamma methods

8.7 Radon survey (radon isotopes, radon in soil and its physical features, radon diffusion, radon survey methods, instruments and calibration, exploration for radioactive raw materials, radon mapping, reporting units, interpretation) *

9. Field methods of induced radiation measurement

9.1 Gamma-gamma method (density method)

9.2 X-ray fluorescence method

9.3 Nuclear resonance method (Mössbauer effect)

9.4 Gamma-neutron method

9.5 Neutron-neutron method

9.6 Neutron activation analysis *

10. Review of laboratory radionuclide methods

10.1 Methods of measurement of natural radioactivity

10.2 Methods of measurement of induced radioactivity *

11. Application of radionuclide methods to living environment

11.1 Natural and man-made sources in the environment

11.2 Atomic law (2002)

11.3 Radioactivity of building materials

11.4 Radon risk mapping

11.5 Measurement and assessment of radiation in dwellings

11.6 Radioactivity of anthropogenic objects

11.7 Radioactivity of underground and surface water

11.8 Nuclear fallout and earth contamination

11.9 Assessment of radioactivity of living environment


Radionuclide methods in geosciences. Physical principles of radionuclide methods. Nuclear radiation and its interaction with mass. Radiation quantities and units. Measurement of nuclear radiation. Physical principles of gamma methods. Physical principles of neutron methods. Field natural radiation methods.

Field induced radiation methods. Laboratory radionuclide methods. Application of radionuclide methods to living environment (Atomic law, sources of radiation, absorbed doses and assessment).