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Interpretations in potential methods

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basic concepts in interpretation of geophysical data (geophysical anomaly; qualitative and quantitative interpretation; forward and inverse modeling)

2. Non-standard cases of gravity measurements and some problems of interpretation (measurements in moving vehicles; anomalies and measurements at sea; underground measurements; problems with reduction density in Bouguer anomalies; pitfalls of interpretation in the plane z = constant)

3. Special methods in interpretation of gravity measurements (determination of anomalous mass; determination of bedrock topography; search for structures of pre-specified shape)

4. Special methods in interpretation of magnetic measurements (reduction to the pole, analytic signal, Euler deconvolution)

5. Data acquisition and data processing in gravity surveys (gravimeter maintenance; gravity stations and grid selection; base station and drift curve calculation; heights determination of gravity stations; calculation of the total and relative Bouguer anomalies; determination of error of measurements)

6. Data acquisition and data processing in magnetic surveys (grid selection; registration of short-time variations of geomagnetic field; determination of the normal geomagnetic field and calculation of ΔT values; determination of the error of measurements)

7. Gravity and magnetic modeling - program GM-SYS (basic principles; input data; gravity model; magnetic model; simultaneous modeling of gravity and magnetic data)

8. Gravity and magnetic image of the Czech Republic (geological and structural units in Central Europe and their geophysical images; gravity and magnetic maps of the Czech Republic; geological interpretation of major gravity and magnetic structures on the territory of the Czech Republic).

9. Examples of interpretation of gravity and magnetic measurements


Basic concepts of interpretation of geophysical data, special cases of gravity measurements (in moving vehicles, at sea, underground), special methods of interpretation in gravity and magnetic methods, organization of field work and data processing in gravity and magnetic methods, gravity and magnetic modeling, gravity and magnetic maps of the Czech Republic, practical examples of interpretation