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1. Airborne gamma survey

1.1 Fundamentals of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry (geological radiation sources, detected radionuclides and their gamma-ray energy lines, gamma radiation field above ground sources, relief and geometry of airborne measurements)

1.2 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometers and their calibration (detectors and instruments, radar altimeter, GPS, background determination, atmospheric radon determination, calibration facility and stripping ratios, gamma air attenuation coefficients, calibration strips and sensitivities of the instrument for radioelement determination)

1.4 Field airborne operation and data processing (flight systems, height and speed of airborne measurements, instrument control and data acquisition, statistical data smoothing, dead time correction, background correction, stripping correction, height correction, conversion of count rates to radioelement concentrations, data levelling)

1.5 Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry maps

2. Car-borne gamma survey

2.1 Application of car-borne gamma survey and theoretical background

2.2 Car-borne gamma-ray spectrometers, their installation and calibration

2.3 Field car-borne gamma-ray survey

2.4 Data processing and car-borne gamma-ray spectrometry maps

3. Radionuclide methods in assessment of uranium resources

3.1 Gamma logging

3.2 Radiometric assaying at outcrops and in mines

3.3 Methods of ?direct U determination" in bore holes (XRF, PFN, DFN, Ge-GS)

4. Radiometric methods in uranium mining and U ore processing

4.1 Radiometric measurements in U mines

4.2 Radiometric U ore sorting

5. Radiometric methods in exploration for nonradioactive minerals

5.1 Association of K, U and Th with nonradioactive elements

5.2 Field measurements and applications

6. Radionuclide methods in control and processing of raw materials

6.1 Methods of back-scattered beta and gamma radiation, gamma attenuation methods, gamma-ray spectrometry, neutron methods, X-ray fluorescence

6.2 Coal, sulphur, ash content, water saturation, density, mineral content,

7. Radiometric maps and reliability of data

8. Method of radiometric data back-calibration

9. Development in radionuclide methods and instruments


Nuclear geophysics - selected methods. Airborne gamma-ray survey (theory, instruments and their calibration, field survey and data processing, maps).

Car-borne gamma survey (theory, instruments and their calibration, field survey and data processing, maps). Gamma logging and direct uranium determination in bore holes.

Radiometric methods in uranium mining and uranium processing. Radiometric methods in prospecting for raw materials.

Radionuclide methods in assaying and processing of raw materials. Monitoring of the natural radiation environment, radiometric maps and reliability of radiometric data.

Back-calibration. Development of radiometric methods and instruments.