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Introduction to environmental science

Class at Faculty of Science |



1. Getting acquainted with environmental studies, concepts of ecology and environmental studies, terminology, main mechanisms and principles, biogeochemical cycles, environmental variables., methods of research.

2. Earth and evolution of life, main hypotheses, human evolution, stepping stones in development of civilisation, utilisation of resources, materials and energy.

3. Human population, exponential growth, underlying mechanisms, natality, mortality, demographical transformation, industrialisation, differences between regions and cultures, relation between population growth and material consumption, affluence and poverty, prognosis.

4. Atmosphere, global climatic change, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, air pollution, smog and smog types, indoor air pollution, influence on humans and biota, mitigation measures and means.

5. Physical and chemical properties of water, water cycle, quantity of water on the Earth, compartments, utilisation of water resources, water pollution and effects on humans and nature, eutrofication of waters, water treatment.

6. Earth surface - soils, characteristics, types, utilisation of soil by humans, land degradation, erosion, intoxication, desertification, food production and agriculture.

7. Material and energetic resources, renewable and non-renewable resources, "metabolism" of consumption in industrialised society, Waste and waste production, classification, waste management (recycling, composting, combustion, landfilling and other ways of waste minimisation).

8. Biodiversity, number of species, species evolution and extinction in history and at present, Human reasons for protection of biodiversity, threaten species, ecosystems an regions, basic concepts, methods and institutions of nature protection.

9. Human health and environmental pollution, physical, chemical, biological and social factors, exposure, dose-response concept, mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens and allergens in the environment, synergism and antagonism, basic toxic compounds (POP´s heavy metals, PCB´ s etc) in the environment, "ecological catastrophes" (Cernobyl, Bhopál, Seveso, Vietnam), risk assessment, perception, management and communication.

10. Social science in environmental protection, economic, legislative, sociological, philosophical dimensions of environmental issues, similarities and differences between natural (ecological) and cultural (economical) systems, environmental ethics (Aldo Leopold, Arne Naess, Bill Devall, George Sessions, GAIA -James E. Lovelock, Albert Schweitzer, Arnold Schumacher, Konrad Lorenz, Jonathan Porrit, Albert Gore, Henry David Thoreau and others)

11. Environment of the Czech republic, historical background, current problems (political and economical transition), environmental policy and investments, basic national and international legal regulations, comparison with CEE, OECD, EU, future development. Evaluation: written test ("multiple choice") Monographs and textbooks Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R., 1990: Ekologie - individuals, Populations and Communities. Second edition. Blackwell. 945pp. Friedman, B., 1995: Environmental ecology. The ecological effects of pollution, disturbance and other stresses. Second edition. Academic Press. 606pp. Harrison, R.M. 1999: Understanding our environment: An introduction to environmental chemistry and pollution. Thirs edition. Royal Society of Chemistry. Redwood books. 445pp. Heywood, V.H., Watson, R.T., 1995: Global biodiversity assessment (UNEP). Cambridge University Press. 1140pp Miller, G.,T., Jr. 1990: Living in the environment, An introduction to environmental science. Wadsworth Publishing Company, USA. 620pp. Turner, R.K., Pearce, D., Bateman, I., 1994: Environmental economics - an elementary introduction. Harvester Wheatsheaf. 328pp. Wilson, E., O. (ed.) 1988: Biodiversity. National Academy Press Washington. 521pp. Periodicals: international: Science, Nature, Scientific American, Environmental Science and Technology, Ambio, Environment; Atmospheric environment, Environmental economy, Water Air and Soil Pollution and other related (accessible) periodicals. Documents and yearbooks Yearbookson the state of the environment of CZ, EU, OECD, UNEP and other states and organisations, international and Czech governmental and NGO newsletters, reports, documents (EU, OECD; World Bank, IGBP, NKP ...), Legal regulations related to environmental and nature protection, international conventions etc.


The course introduces students to the basic concepts of environmental protection. Lectures are divided into five consecutive sections:

1. Introduction

2. Planetary system

3. Natural resources

4. Environment and its protection

5. The situation in the Czech Republic