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Basic Ecology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Basic rules in ecology. Definition and functioning of the ecosystems. Organisms and their environments, factors limiting distribution. Population basic parameters , population growth, natality, mortality, abundance . Intraspecific and interspecific competition. Regulation of population size. Some example of population studies, the optimum yield. The nature of communities the flux of energy and matter through communities . Organization of the communities, species diversity. Islands areas and colonization. Conservation of the biodiversity . Evolutionary ecology


ODUM E.P. Basic Ecology, 1983:. Saunders, Philadelphia

KREBS Ch. J. Ecology, The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance 1994: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

BEGON M., HARPER J.L., TOWNSEND C.R. 1996: Ecology Blackwell Sci.

RICKLEFS R.E., MILLER G.L. 1999: Ecology. Freeman and. Comp.


The lecture provides basic knowledge of ecology for bachelor students in the following range : definition, basic conditions for life existence, abiotic and biotic factors, ecological niche (tolerance limits, optimum, resource usage), definition of population (mortality, natality, growth, regulation, models of growth), interactions of organisms and environment (autecology), inter- and intrapopulation interactions (competition, predation, mutualism, symbiosis), definition of community (species diversity, stability, disturbance, succession, island theory), ecosystem definition (energy flow, trophic structure, energy transfer efficiency, primary and secondary production, basic cycle of nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus)).