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Ambient Air Quality II

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Ambient air quality in Europe

2. EC Directives for ambient air quality

3. WHO air quality guideliness, limit values

4. Methods of ambient air quality assessment (Air quality indices, exposure indices, critical loads, critical levels)

5. Ambient air pollutant impact on receptors

6. Indoor ambient air pollution - sources and impacts This course links to Ambient Air Quality I course compulsory for the 3rd grade. Recommended literature: Stanners D. et Bourdeau P edit. (1995): Europe s Environment: The Dobris Assessment. EEA, Copenhagen. WHO (1987): Air Quality Guideliness for Europe. WHO Regional Publications, European series: No.

23. Copenhagen. EC Directives (96/62/EC, 1999/30/EC, 2000/69/EC, 2002/3/EC)


The lecture follows up the bachelor course Air Protection and deals with the following topics: air pollution in the pan-European context, EU air quality directives, WHO air quality guidelines, air pollution limits, methods of air quality assessment (Air Quality Indices, Exposure Indices), influence of pollutants in outdoor air on various types of receptors, indoor air pollution (radon, formaldehyde, asbestos, tobacco smoke, household dust) - sources, effects. Students will write an essay on a selected topic.