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Environmental Informatics

Class at Faculty of Science |


1.Information sources about environment: Introduction 2.Geographic Information System (GIS): Shapefile 3.Geographic Information System (GIS): Geodatabase 4.Geographic Information System (GIS): Data and methods- 3D analysis 5.Geographic Information System (GIS): Data and methods- raster analysis 6.Selected methods of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and geostatistics (ESDA, spatial interpolation) 7.Methods of network analysis and introduction to geo(databases) 8. Remote sensing: Introduction 9.GPS- introduction 10.Project for terrain research exercises 11.Data processing based on terrain research exercises 12.

Remote sensing: Classifications 13.Presentation of data about environment, using IMS


The lecture is primarily focused on computer processing of spatially related information. For the students of natural science, the lecture sums up the introductory course that is extended by other optional lectures, exercises and seminars.

Presentations of individual aspects of data processing are based on the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) guidebooks. The lecture contains computer presentations of selected exercises, which are consecutively processed by students in the framework of exercises.