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Economic Geography for PhD students

Class at Faculty of Science |


• Geographical approach to economic studies, history of thinking in economic geography, uneven development, commodity chains and production networks, technological development, agglomeration tendencies, relationship between economy and nature, the role of the state in economics, finance geography, workforce geography, consumption geography, economic geography and men / women.

• Historical development of the world economy and economic globalization from a geographical point of view; basic trends in global production, trade and investment; the most important factors and actors of globalization processes and their geographical impacts: technological change, multinationals, the state; geography of multinational companies; case studies of selected industries and services, the impact of economic globalization on developed and developing countries.

• Economics complex, structure. Long-term tendencies of development of the national economy complex. The role of individual sectors and sectors in the development of society. Theory of localization of agriculture, industry, production, firm. Economic-geographical regions.

• Natural resources. Valuation and classification methods. Valuation of natural resources. Drawing natural resources. Limits of growth. Sustainable development / life.

• World agricultural complex, its state, development of macroregional differentiation of production volume structure, intensity, productivity. Micro-regional analysis of agriculture. Transformation of agriculture and rural landscape in the Czech Republic.

• Basic trends of development, structural changes and deployment of industry in the world. Industrialization and deindustrialization. Mining, manufacturing, energy - basic features of industrial, technological and regional changes. Transformation of industry in the Czech Republic and its international context.

• Methods of study and evaluation of traffic phenomena in geography. Trends in transport development in various macro-regions of the world. Development of transport and its environmental consequences in developed countries. The role of transport in the process of globalization, economic integration and regional development.