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Theory of Regional Geography for PhD students

Class at Faculty of Science |


• Development of geographical thinking - disputes of idiographic and nomothetic conception of geography - relation between physical, social and regional geography - position of geography in the classification of sciences.

• Main theoretical trends in regional and social geography in the post-war period - contribution and criticism of positivism - post-positivist schools - post-modernism in today's social and regional geography - relationship of social and regional geography and social sciences.

• The concept of geography as a complex science - basic regularities in the geographical organization - order / scale differentiation of geographical distributions, regional differentiation - the geographical organization of society and the overall development of society. Development of geographical systems and risk processes.

• Concept and theory of the region and regional systems. Physical-geographical and socio-geographical regionalization.

• Typology in regional geography. Typology of macroregions and continents. Typology of states. Typology and typological regionalization of lower order levels of regions.

• Order / scale differentiation of the world - specifics of regionalization at local, regional, national, supranational and global level. Processes and problems of globalization and tendencies of geographical differentiation.

• Cognitive, educational and application functions of regional geography.