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Statistics for biosciences

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Types of data; samples and populations; descriptive statistics.2. Introduction to probability; independence; Bayes theorem.3. Random variables; probability distributions; quantiles; mean; variance.

4. Discrete distributions: binomial, Poisson; continuous distributions: normal, Student's t, chi-square; central limit theorem.5. Introduction to estimation and hypothesis testing; confidence intervals.6. Testing the hypotheses about the mean of one sample of one or two samples: t-tests.

7. Introduction to nonparametric tests.8. Introduction to analysis of variance.9. Correlation; simple regression; least squares method; assumptions of regression.

10. Multiple regression models, confounding, choice of the model.11. Multinomial distribution, goodness-of-fit test, test of independence for discrete variables.

12. Contingency tables, Fisher exact test, McNemar test of symmetry.

13. Designs of epidemiological studies; odds ratio; logistic regression.


Data analysis principles. Descriptive statistics.

Introduction to inferential statistics (statistical hypothesis, statistics, significance level, p value, confidence interval). One/two independent samples procedures.

Regression. Contingency tables.