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Demography for foreign students (non-demographers)

Class at Faculty of Science |


1.Prologue I: a. History of Demography (Milestones of Demography) , b. International Professional Organizations in the Field of Population Studies c. Major Demographic Journals and Websites d. Basic Demographic Terminology and Multilingual Demographic Dictionary 2.Prologue II: a. Process of Demographic Reproduction b. Specificities of Demographic Cognition Process c. Two Types of Demographic Data - Stock and Flow Numbers d. Time in Demography and Lexis Diagram e. Period and Cohort Perspectives 3.Data Sources: a. Collect on Demographic Data (Census, Current Registration of Events, Sample

Survey) b. Demographic Data Quality and Availability c. Main Sources of Demographic Data on Internet 4.System of Demographic Indicators: a. Classification of Demographic Indicators b. General Rules of Demographic Indicators Construction c. Interpretation and Applicability of Basic Demographic Indicators 5.Demographic Structures: a. Basic Demographic Structures and Their General Regularities b. Principles of Demographic Structures Description c. Graphical Tools – Construction of Age Pyramid d. Numerical Characteristics of Age Structure e. Age Structures Typology 6.Principles of Fertility Analysis a. Basic Indicators b. Fertility Table c. General Fertility Patterns 7.Principles of Mortality Analysis a. Basic Indicators b. MortalityTable c. General Mortality Patterns 8.Principles of Migration Analysis a. Basic Indicators b. Construction of Gross Migraproduction Rate c. Demographic Patterns of Migration 9.Agregate Process of Demographic Reproduction a. Annual Growth Rate b. Reproduction Rates Construction c. Replacement Level 10.Basic Demographic Theories and Concepts: a. Malthus Theory and Neomalthusians b. Theory of Demographic Transition/Revolution c. Second Demographic Transition Concept 11.World Population Development I: a. World Population History b. Current Demographic Situation in the World c. Demographic Issues of Contemporary Europe 12.World Population Development II: a. UN World Population Prospects b. Population Perspectives of the World c. Population Ageing as a Global Process and its Potential Consequences 13.-14.Student Demographic Seminar in Malá Skála (North Bohemia) a. Presentation of Seminar Works (Demographic Portrait of a Country or Region)


The course is designed as a cross-sectional demography course covering all major topics and knowledge relevant to a basic understanding of the process of demographic reproduction and the development of population systems. Special attention is paid to the development of analytical skills as well as the basic skills in interpreting demographic indicators and understanding the results of demographic forecasts.

Students learn basic theoretical and empirical knowledge and prognostic ideas about population development of the world and selected countries. The participants also obtain the information necessary for orientation in the discipline of Demography per se and its development.

Completion of the course is a prerequisite for more in-depth study of the field and its specific problems.