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Hot Topics in Physical Geography

Class at Faculty of Science |


! Please note that changes in the order of the lectures might occur!   6.10.2023   Water and sediment pollution (Chalupová)

The lecture provides a brief description about sources of pollution, main pollutants, contamination risks, monitoring techniques and parameters. Water and sediment contamination in the Czech Republic will be presented with the focus on the most problematic localities (old anthropogenic loads, the Elbe River).   13.10.2023   Soil degradation in the Czech Republic (Chuman)

Soil is an important natural resource and is now under pressure from degradation processes affecting the vital goods and services the soil provides, such as food production, water retention, biodegradation, biodiversity, and nutrient cycling. These degradation processes, for example, soil sealing, soil erosion, and soil compaction, will be presented.   20.10.2023 Ice sheets in the warming world (Margold)

Climate displays a clear warming trend in the recent decades, most likely as a result of greenhouse-gas emissions. Polar ice sheets respond by surface melt and by changes in the dynamic discharge, which both contribute to the rising global sea level. This lecture will focus on the ice sheet regions and processes at play that are of the highest concern with regard to the rising sea level.   27.10.2023  Geomorphological hazards in high mountain areas (Vilímek)          

An emerging field of inter- and trans-disciplinary high-mountain research has started to develop tools for anticipating future environments with natural hazards and risks. Such information clearly documents the fact that many mountain ranges have already lost large parts of their glaciers and are likely to become largely de-glaciated within decades. A rapidly growing literature documents the processes involved and the phenomena on the physical as well as on the socio-economic and cultural side. It provides an important information on how to assess new hazards and how to deal with them.                  3.11.2023  Recent and future climate change: What, where, how much? (Huth)

The recent climate change observed in temperature, precipitation, and other climate elements is reviewed. The possible future development of climate due to the anthropogenic modification of atmospheric composition is discussed. Selected impacts of climate change on human activities, ecosystems, etc., are presented.       10.11.2023  Hydrological impact of climate change: Will we have enough water in the future? (Jeníček)

In the future, it is expected that more precipitation that falls now as snow will fall as rain. Consequently, snow storage will decrease, which might cause reductions in spring and summer streamflow. This is especially valid for regions with seasonal distribution of precipitation. Additionally, the increase in air temperature will increase evapotranspiration and thus the deficit volumes will increase as well. The lecture will introduce the major impacts of ongoing and future climate changes on the individual components of the water cycle. Different consequences in different regions of the world will be discussed.   17.11.2023 (national holiday)   24.11.2023 Restoration of water ecosystems (Matoušková)     

The lecture is designed to familiarize students with functions and conditions of natural water ecosystems, their heterogeneity and dynamic, and with negative aspects of human modification of water ecosystems and ecohydrological assessment methods and restoration principles. Attention is also paid to the presentation of model river restoration projects.   1.12.2023  Are changes of endorheic lakes on the Tibetan Plateau a valid climate indicator?  (Kropáček)

Tibetan Plateau is the largest high elevation plateau of the world with the mean altitude of more than 4700 m a.s.l. It has a profound influence on regional climate as it acts as a barrier for the meridional circulation and elevated heat source. It contains a large number of endorheic (closed basin) lakes. Their lake levels dramatically increase in the recent three decades as recently revealed by satellite altimetry. Water budget of these lakes reflect changes in glacier melting, precipitation and evapotranspiration in the basins. Yet, the question, which influence is dominant has not been resolved completely. Further climatically interesting variables which can be analysed by remote sensing are dates of freeze-up and ice break-up. These and some other aspects of climate change on the Tibetan Plateau will be discussed.   8.12.2023  Applications of unmanned aerial systems in physical geography (Langhammer)

The unmanned aerial systems (UAS, UAVs, drones) represent a rapidly evolving technology for rapid mapping and close-range remote sensing with manifold applications in geosciences. The lecture brings an overview of the technology, covering both aerial platforms and sensors, and demonstrates the potential of its applications in physical geography on selected examples from the recent research projects in hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, 3-D terrain reconstructions or multispectral analysis of forest disturbance.   15.12.2023  Landscape fragmentation in Europe (Romportl)    

Landscape fragmentation represents one of the biggest threats for biodiversity and one of the most important issues for current nature and landscape protection. The lecture will provide the basic information on the development of the landscape fragmentation in Europe, its causes and impacts, as well as methods of its evaluation and quantification. Available mitigation measures and other tools how to protect landscape against its negative impacts will be discussed as well.     5.1., 12.1.and 19.1.2024 Final seminars - presentations


The course is focused on contemporary trends in physical geography and geoecology in the Czech Republic and in the world. Each lecture is focused on a special topic.