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Modelování hydrologických procesů

Předmět na Přírodovědecká fakulta |


All information (data, presentation, announcements, chat) will run in Google Classroom (contact Michal Jenicek for invitation)

Notice: The lecture starts on Wednesday, 11th Oct 2023 4.10.2023: Canceled 11.10.2023: IntroductionHydrological model and its structure, model classification, model calibration and validation. (M. Jeníček) 18.10.2023: HBV-light IModelling the impact of climate changes on catchment runoff. Data preparation, and model setup. (M. Jeníček) 25.10.2023: HBV-light IIModelling the impact of climate changes on catchment runoff. Model calibration using genetic algorithm procedure, model validation (M. Jeníček) 1.11.2023: HBV-light IIIModelling the impact of climate changes on catchment runoff. Climate change scenarios, impact simulation, results analysis (M. Jeníček) 8.11.2023: Modelling snow accumulation and snowmelt IEnergy-based models and degree-day models of snow; theoretical introduction. Creating 1) Excel-based and 2) R-based models of snow accumulation and snowmelt based on a degree-day approach. Models calibration and validation using measured data. (M. Jeníček) 15.11.2023: Modelling snow accumulation and snowmelt IIEnergy-based models and degree-day models of snow; theoretical introduction. Creating 1) Excel-based and 2) R-based models of snow accumulation and snowmelt based on a degree-day approach. Models calibration and validation using measured data. (M. Jeníček) 22.11.2023: Evapotranspiration modelling – Potential evapotranspirationRadiation balance, Evaporation measurements, Derivation of fundamental equations, Development of air temperature, radiation budget and combined approach models in Excel environment. Models calibration and validation using measured data. (V. Šípek) 29.11.2023: Evapotranspiration modelling – Actual evapotranspirationPhotosynthesis, Transpiration measurements, Interception, Description of possible approaches of AET modelling. Creating evapotranspiration models based on the soil wetness and empirical coefficients. (V. Šípek) 6.12.2023: Modelling of the soil moisture content – conceptual modelsSoil moisture data collection and related runoff generation processes. Use of three conceptual models to simulate subsurface flow and soil moisture budget. (V. Šípek) 13.12.2023: Modelling of the soil moisture content – conceptual modelsSoil moisture data collection and related runoff generation processes. Use of three conceptual models to simulate subsurface flow and soil moisture budget. (V. Šípek) 20.12.2023: Modelling of the soil moisture content – physically based modelsSoil matric potential, Retention curve. Setting up a physically based model (HYDRUS-1D) for a flow movement in a porous media. Model calibration and validation using measured data. (V. Šípek) 3.1.2023: Students’ work presentations, discussion


Upozornění: kurz je vyučován v angličtině.

Přednáška si klade za cíl seznámit posluchače se základními principy a postupy hydrologického modelování. Během přednášky budou posluchači seznámeni s teoretickými aspekty a metodami modelování hydrologických procesů a zároveň budou mít možnost si pomocí programovacího jazyka R a MS Excel programovat vlastní modely jednotlivých komponent s-o procesu a ověřovat je na experimentálně měřených datech. Stejně tak budou mít možnost pracovat s již existujícími nástroji vyvinutými jak pro výpočet vybraných komponent s-o procesu, tak pro celkovou simulaci s-o procesu. Přednáška je určena primárně studentům magisterského studia. Studenti by již měli mít základní znalosti z hydrologie a uživatelskou znalost MS Excel a ArcGIS.