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Contemporary trends in development studies(a discussion seminar)

Class at Faculty of Science |


2023, summer term; Tuesdays, 13:10-14:45, Room Z4


Each class (starting from 21/2) requires prior preparation. Starting from the third class (28/2) onwards, students must upload their assignments at least one hour before the beginning of the respective class into the following folder: 

It means 10 assignments in total of which at least 9 must be uploaded in time. If not specified otherwise, the assignment is to create a mind-map based on the readings specified below (additional information from other sources identified by students themselves may also be used).

For each class we specify readings in terms of 2 academic papers or other materials. Selection of readings is very essential. Students will be divided into two groups and each of the groups will have to read one of the papers and create their mind maps based on this reading. If there are 6 students, it means that 3 of them will provide their mind maps based on the first paper and the other 3 based on the second paper  

Organization of particular classes depends on teachers but a model class may be as follows:

Introduction - 15-20 mins presentation by a teacher (should be related to readings but not identical, ideally some more general intro to the topic).

Discussion of the 1st paper - students from the first group present their mind maps and teacher facilitates discussion (20 mins)   

Discussion of the 2st paper - students from the second group present their mind maps and teacher facilitates discussion (20 mins)

Summary, conclusions - organized by teacher - either facilitates discussion or provides some summary presentation (15 mins)   





Readings/preparation 1. 14/2


Introductory information (30 mins) 2. 21/2


Conflict and development  3. 28/2


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and its impact on sustainable development in LMICs  4. 7/3


Food security 5. 14/3


Impact Evaluations in Development  6. 21/3


Development and migration of international students from the Global South 7. 28/3


Current development challenges of Ghana 8. 4/4


Gender and development 9. 11/4


Development and migration 10. 18/4


Aid effectiveness 11. 25/4


Rural development 12. 2/5


Examples of (Actual) Development Project  

DMP – Dáša Milerová Prášková

BGM – Biruk Getachew Mamo

TN – Takuya Nakagawa

BL – Barbora Latečková

JN – Josef Novotný

YM – Yeboah Mohamed

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The aim of the seminar is to complement the Development Studies course and other related courses taught at Department of Social Geography and Regional Development. Students participating in the seminar will be provided an insight into the current debates on selected topics in development.

The seminar will be as interactive as possible, maximizing student’s participation. Both Czech and international students (primarily but not exclusively master level students) interested in current trends in development are invited to participate in this course.

The language of the course is English. There is no final exam.

The evaluation of students is based on their active participation and assignements.