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Political Geography

Class at Faculty of Science |


Content: 1. What is political geography 2 Political differentiation of the world, the state as a basic unit 3. Typology of the states, political systems 4. Democracy and freedom (in the World) 5. Geopolitics, discussion of meanings, new approaches 6. Economy and politics, economic and political models of the world development 7. Geography of power (defence forces) 8. State and nation, nationalism 9. Cultural diferences and religion 10. Geography of election 11. Theories of conflicts, geography of conflicts 12. Integration and Geography of integration

Main sources:

FLINT, C., TAYLOR, P., (2011): Political Geography. World Economy, Nation-state and Locality. 6. vydání. (může být  jakékoliv předchozí vydání)

TOMEŠ, J., FESTA, D., NOVOTNÝ, J. (2007): Konflikt světů a svět konfliktů - kapitoly Války po rozpadu bipolárního světa a Nové války?

JEHLIČKA, P., TOMEŠ, J., DANĚK, P. (2000): Stát, prostor, politika - kapitoly 6-10

Recommended literature:

Flint, C. (2011): Introduction to Geopolitics

Agnew, J., Mitchell, K., Toal, G. (2008): A Companion to Political Geography.

Krejčí, J. (2002): Postižitelné proudy dějin

Gellner, E. (1993): Národy a nacionalismus

Drulák, P. (2010): Teorie mezinárodních vztahů


The aim is to acquaint students with the basic principles of political organization and differentiation of the world and with the approaches by which it is examined. Emphasis is placed on the importance of geographical factors and the changing role of their influence on political processes and on the comparison of political characteristics of geographical entities.

The basis is the evaluation of states both in terms of their activities and position in the international context (geopolitics and international politics), and in terms of their internal organization and structure. It includes issues of state and territorial administrative organization, political systems and parties, the geography of elections, conflicts, integration, the context of economic and political development.

Study programmes