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Social Geography of the CR

Class at Faculty of Science |


The basic course of the social and economic geography of Czechia with special attention to the both long-term and transition tendencies of development, changes, structure, deformations, geographical distribution and regional differencies, etc. Individual lectures deal with:Geographical position of Czechia, the state territory and boundaries.

Development of the administrative division.Settlement, population (density, age, nationality, religion, migration, economic activity, commuting).Historical development of economy and industry and multiple transition and restructuring. 6. Basic features of transition of the society, economy, industry and territory after 1989.Sectorial structure of economy.Types and character of indicators and statistical data, international industrial classification. 9.

Geography of industry, the structure of industry (territorial, space, size, poverty), qualitative tendencies (research & development, integration, globalization, the changes of technology, organization, management, space, distribution, FDI, SSE and MSE).Mining and quarrying, power industry.Manufacturing (light and heavy industry, consumer goods).Selected industrial regions, centres, plants, industrial regionalization. Regions of the CR (geographical and economic characteristics).Agriculture (relationships, distribution, regions, plants and animals production).Transport, foreign trade (territorial and commodity structures).

Tertiary sector (services) with respect to the bath, tourism. Environment (problems, influenced regions).


The basic course of the social and economic geography of Czechia with special attention to the both long-term and transition tendencies of development, changes, structure, deformations, geographical distribution and regional differencies etc.