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Sociogeographic Regional Systems

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course is devoted to integral geographical organisation of society and its development. The main interests are: socio-geographical regionalisation, settlement hierarchy, metropolitan areas, and theory of stages of settlement systems. These problems are evaluated on theoretical and empirical levels with special regard to specific conditions of the Czechia. Position and function of socio-geographical organisation in integral structure and development of society are discussed particularly. Main topics:

1. General concept of geosocietal organisation

2. Socio-geographical regionalisation

3. Hierarchy of centres

4. Metropolitan areas

5. Locational attractivity

6. Processes of concentration

7. Geographical diffusion

8. Development of town/cities and metropolitan areas

9. Industrial and post-industrial urbanisation

10. Regional development and regional policy

11. Territorial administration

12. Future of settlement systems


The content of the course is based on following topics: Geographical organisation of society: general concept - socio-geographical regionalisation: methods, evaluation - hierarchy of settlement system - metropolitan areas - locational attractivity - development of territorial concentration of population and economic activities - scale differentiation of sociogeographical systems and development processes - types of geographical diffusion of changes - urbanisation and development of hierarchy of nodal centers - metropolisation and development hierarchy of supranodal centers - industrial and post-industrial stages of settlement system - regional development and regional policy - socio-geographical regionalisation and territorial administration - past and future development of socio-geographical organisation – European and global context.

Study programmes