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Transformation of Contemporary Cities

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) Postcommunist city and socialist city.

2) Globalisation and its influence on contemporary urban restructuring. Changes in urban spatial structures in cities of Western Europe and North America.

3) Government directed and spontaneous post-communist transformations.

4) Changes in the urban spatial structures of postcommunist cities.

5) Revitalisation, commercialization and expansion of city center.

6) Selective growth and decline in inner city and housing estates areas.

7) Commercial and residential suburbanisation.

8) Processes of socio-spatial differentiation in post-communist cities.

9) Comparison of Prague with other Czech cities, Bratislava, Budapest and Warsaw.

10) Walking tour - gentrification.

11) Bus tour - suburbanisation.

12) Presentation of seminar papers.


Transformations in spatial urban structure of postcommunist cities. Definition of postcommunist city.

Conditions of contemporary changes: historically developed structures (socialist city), globalisation (influence on contemporary urban restructuring and examples from cities of Western Europe and North America) and post-communist transformation processes (government directed and spontaneous transformations). Revitalisation, commercialization and expansion of city center.

Selective growth and decline in inner city and housing estates areas. Commercial and residential suburbanisation.

Comparison of Prague with other Czech cities, Bratislava, Budapest and Warsaw.