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Geography of World Economy

Class at Faculty of Science |


The detailed syllabus is available in Moodle:

We will use Moodle where you will find the syllabus, all required reading materials, power point lectures slides, and you will have to submit your reading summaries through Moodle as well. Therefore, you need to log into Moodle, in order to sign up for the course and access it:

Before logging into Moodle make sure that you have your login information correctly set up in CAS UK. It is crucial that your e-mail is listed correctly. After accessing Moodle, you need to identify the course (MZ340P45 Geography of the World Economy) and sign up for it. You will be able to submit reading summaries only after you sign up for the course.  

SCHEDULE OF LECTURE TOPICS 1. Introduction: Historical perspective on the development of the world economy. Theoretical explanations of the global economy; global division of labor; globalization after WWII; globalization debate; globalization and internationalization. 2. Network approach to the world economy: Basic concepts: production chains and production networks. 3. Global economy: Trends in production, trade and investment: aggregate trends in global economic activity. 4. Technological change 5. Transnational corporations: theoretical interpretations, how transnational corporations operate 6. Transnational Production Networks 7. State economic policies 8. Relationships between transnational corporations and states 9. The clothing industry 10. The automotive industry 11. Advance business services including finance 12. Winning and losing in the global economy


A study of the geography of the world economy. The major topics include the historical development of the world economy from the geographical perspective, trends in the geography of production, trade and investment, the most important factors and actors affecting the geography of the world economy: technological change, transnational corporations and states, geography of transnational corporations, case studies of economic geography of selected industries and service activities, effects of uneven development and economic globalization on the developed and developing countries.

Note: the entire course will be taught and conducted in English.