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Smart Technologies in Education

Class at Faculty of Science |


In general, the course builds on the course of Didactics of Geography I, while it is essential that students are able to formulate learning objectives and plan teaching based on them.The course is organized into several blocks aimed at introducing the technology and the possibilities of its use in teaching geography. The course content can be modified according to the preferences and expertise of the participating students.The thematic focus of the individual course blocks (the chronological order of the blocks within the course may vary):1)Tablets and smartphones - use in teaching, demonstration of apps suitable for teaching, electronic textbooks

2) Virtual reality - introduction to VR technology and demonstration of apps for teaching geography

3) 3D printing - technical preparation of 3D models for teaching and their meaningful use in geography lessons

4) Geographical information systems - an overview of basic software and tools suitable for the school environment (especially freeware software) and a demonstration of their application to school teaching

5) Remote sensing outputs and their use (especially focusing on aerial and satellite imagery)


The content of the course is focused on understanding the didactic aspects of working with modern technologies in teaching (primarily geography) and in the process of designing lesson plans. This includes working with applications for tablets or smartphones, 3D printing, virtual reality, GIS, DPZ and navigation systems (GPS).

The main focus of the course is on the practical use of technology and geoinformation tools. Specific examples of practical applications will be given while drawing on the principles of experiential pedagogy and exploratory learning. An integral part of the course is training in working with applications and technologies from the teacher's perspective - i.e. in the sense of TPACK - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

The course is highly participatory and assumes students' activity and personal contribution to the course content.

The output of the course is a portfolio of students' preparation for teaching geography using the technologies mentioned above. Participation in the course is not required to have taken other courses such as GIS courses. However, it is highly recommended to pass the Didactics of Geography I. The course is also suitable for beginners in working with technologies.