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Optical properties of matter

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Phenomenological description Electromagnetic waves, definition of optical constants, dispersion relation and general properties of optical constants

2. Optical properties of semiconductors and ionic crystals Quantum theory of optical transitions, interband absorption, allowed and forbidden optical transitions, direct and indirect transitions, impurity absorption, reststrahlenband reflection, polariton

3. Optical properties of metals Free electron model, plasma edge, skin effect, free carrier absorption, interband transitions

4. External fields Induced anisotropy, magnetooptical effects on free electrons, cyclotron resonance, Faraday rotation, Voigt effect, Landau levels, interband magneto-absorption

5. Nonlinear optical effects Phenomenological description, second harmonic generation, two-photon absorption, Raman scattering, electro-optical effect, four-wave mixing

6. Optoelectronics Light sources, detectors, their fundamental parameters and characteristics, solar cells, luminescent diodes, and semiconductor lasers.


Interaction of light with atom and solid state. Optical constants and their connection with band structure.

Dispersion relations and general properties of optical constants. Optical properties of metals, semiconductors and ionic crystals.

Optical transitions. Nonlinear optical phenomena.

Light generation. Luminescence and stimulated emission.

Introduction to optoelectronics. Optoelectronic devices.