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Chemistry for Physicists

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Periodicity, basic concepts - electronegativity, atomic and ionic radii, trends in the table

2. Molecules and chemical bonding - MO diagrams, bond order, hybridization, VSEPR, symmetry of molecules (point groups), chemistry vs. physics - a view of chemical bonding

3. A minimum of reaction kinetics and chemical balances - chemical balance, kinetic equations and reaction order, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis

4. Thermochemical laws, thermal coloring of reactions

5. Electrochemistry and theory of solutions - theory of acids and bases, pH, redox reactions and equilibria, electrode processes and electrolysis, diffusion

6. Inorganic minimum - systematics - elements of main groups, important compounds (H, O, N, P, X, rare gases), introduction to coordination chemistry, atypical and modern inorganic substances

7. Analytical chemistry - definition of terms, quantitative and qualitative analysis, classic and modern instrumental analytical methods

8. Organic chemistry - nomenclature, basic procedures of organic synthesis, plastics and polymers, systematics of selected organic compounds

9. Fundamentals of chemical technology - chemical methods and processes on an industrial scale, chemistry/ecology/energy/green technologies

10. Current legislation for possession and handling of chemical substances, basic terms in toxicology


Periodicity, chemical bond, relationship between electronic and spatial structure of molecules, basic concepts of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, basic types of chemical reactions, general relationships between elements. Systematic inorganic chemistry of selected groups of the periodic table, basic overview of the chemistry of organic materials, chemical mechanisms, modern materials.

Overview of procedures and methods in analytical chemistry. Introduction to chemical processes on an industrial scale, modern green technologies.

Chemical legislation and toxicology of substances.