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Basics of Atmospheric Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Atmospheric optics:

Reflection and refraction of light beams in atmosphere, astronomic refraction, sinking and looming of horizon, superior and inferior mirage, green flash, twilight phenomena.

Scattering of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere.

Rainbows, corona, glory, halo phenomena, atmospheric visibility.

Atmospheric acoustics:

Acoustic waves in atmosphere and their propagation, anomalous audibility, acoustic shadows, shock waves.

Physics of clouds and precipitation:

Water condensation, coalescence of droplets, freezing of cloud droplets, condesation and ice nuclei. Theory of precipitation. Microstructure and macrostructure of stratiform and convective clouds.

Atmospheric electricity:

Ionization and conductivity of air, electrical potential in atmosphere, cloud electricity, thunderstorm electricity, point discharges, lightnings.


Scattering and absorption of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in atmosphere. Optical and acoustic phenomena in connection with fields of air temperature and density, water droplets, ice and aerosol particles.

Bases of cloud physics, water condensation, coalescence processes, freezing of water droplets, conditions for precipitation, microstructure and macrostructure of stratiform and convective clouds. Basic knowledge of atmospheric electricity, lightnings.