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Applications of Computational Intelligence Methods

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The subject aims at deepening of the knowledge from the following areas with the focus on their application to real data from different competitions (e.g. Kaggle, conference competitions, …).

Metalearning - model selection, hyper-parameter tuning (grid search, evolutionary algorithms), ensembles (bagging, boosting, stacking, blending)

Combination of evolutionary algorithms and machine learning - surrogate modelling; hybrid models, relation between local and global search, memetic algorithms; evolution and metalearning

Advanced evolutionary computing - CMA-ES, constrained optimization

Kernel methods - support vector machines (classification, regression), kernel neural networks, Radial Basis Function Networks

Semi-supervised learning - self-learning, generative models, Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines, graph-based methods

Advanced models of neural networks - Echo State Network, Long Short Term Memory Network, autoencoders, convolution networks, Boltzmann machines, deep networks


Introduction of modern computational intelligence methods (evolutionary algorithms, machine learning and related fields) and their application to solving of real problems. Basic knowledge of machine learning, neural networks and evolutionary algorithms is required.