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Ethics of AI +

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


"Ethics of AI" is an open online course with 7 thematic chapters:

1. Introduction: What is AI ethics?

2. Non-maleficence: What should we do?

3. Accountability: Who should be blamed?

4. Transparency: Should we know how AI works?

5. Human rights: Should AI respect and promote rights?

6. Fairness: Should AI be fair and non-discriminative?

7. AI ethics in practice: How might AI ethics develop? Each of the chapters contains text and interactive elements designed to promote learning. The online course format will give students the opportunity to schedule the work at their own pace and time. The time commitment to complete the online course ranges from 20-50 hours, depending on prior knowledge of the topic and learning approach. The "Ethics of AI+" course also offers the opportunity to volunteer for lectures, seminars or workshops focusing on the ethics of AI. The course includes the opportunity to participate in various lectures, seminars or workshops focused on the ethics of AI. Participation is voluntary and is recommended for those students who wish to deepen their knowledge of AI ethics beyond the online course. A list of them for the current semester will be posted here on an ongoing basis: The course guarantors, František Štěch from ETF UK is available to help all students at: - questions can be directed here concerning the "running" of the course, i.e. technical and administrative matters, as well as questions directed at the content of the online course itself.


AI's use in various human areas makes it relevant beyond computer science.

It's believed that this technology will change the world, thus requiring ethical reflection for its development and application. The Ethics of AI+ course offers an engaging online course, "Ethics of AI," in partnership with the University of Helsinki. It covers ethical aspects of AI and encourages ethical thinking about its development and practical use. Learn more at www. The course also includes lectures, seminars, and workshops on AI ethics.