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Propositional and Predicate Logic

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Propositional logic: elementary syntax and semantics, normal forms of propositional formulas, problem of satisfiability. Tableau method and resolution in propositional logic. Completeness theorem for propositional logic.

Predicate (first-order) logic: elementary syntax and semantics, prenex normal form of formulas, properties and models of first-order theories. Tableau method and resolution for predicate logic. Skolem's theorem, Herbrand's theorem. Completeness theorem for predicate logic, compactness.

Criteria for completeness, decidability. Limits of formal methods, Goedel's theorems.


Propositional logic, normal forms of propositional formulas, predicate logic of first order, prenex forms of formulas, completness theorems for propositional and predicate logic, models of first-order theories. The limits of formal method, Goedel's theorems