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Solar Physics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Sun as a star, solar analogues, activity of Sun-like stars. Superflares. History of solar observations. Origin of solar luminosity, neutrino problem.

Fundamental parameters of the Sun, internal structure, evolution. Gamov peak. Convection, mixing-length theory, convection with radiative losses. Leudox parameter. Scales of convection. Convection as a process of entropy exchange. Granules, supergranules. Large-scale convection.

Photosphere, chromosphere, chromospheric phenomena. Limb darkening, Eddington-Barbier relation. Standard models for solar atmosphere. Equilibrium within a prominence. Coupling from photosphere to corona.

Oscillations, helioseismology. Fundamental oscillation. Linear adiabatic oscillations of the non-rotating Sun. Cowling approximation. Brunt-Väisälä frequency, Lamb frequency. JWKB solution for g- and p-modes. F-mode. Duvall's law, inverse modelling. Perturbation theory. Global and local helioseismology. Ring-diagram and time-distance helioseismology. Asteroseismology.

Rotation of the Sun. Effect of rotation on internal structure of the Sun. Von Zeipel paradox. Torsional oscillations, meridional circulation. Origin of differential rotation. Rossby waves. Coordinate systems for the Sun.

Solar magnetism. Solar cycle and its mid- and long-term manifestations. Basics of solar dynamo theories. Observational evidence for flux tubes. Convective collapse, buoyancy of flux tubes. Sunspots: Classification and internal structure. Magnetohydrostatic model of sunspots. Faculae.

Energetic processes on the Sun. Dissipation of magnetic fields. Reconnection, flares. Classification of flares, standard model of solar flare. Neupert effect.

Transition region, corona. Temperature structure of the coronal loop. Forbidden emission lines. Coronal heating.

Solar wind, Parker's solution. Heliosphere. Spaceweather.

Effects of solar activity on interplanetary space.

Observations of the Sun.


The Sun as a star. Fundamental properties of the Sun, interior, evolution.

Solar atmosphere. Oscillations, helioseismology.

Magnetic fields in the Sun: Properties, phenomena, evolution.

Energetic processes and phenomena on the Sun. Flares.

Solar wind. Heliosphere. Spaceweather.

Observations of the Sun.