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Binary stars

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The role of binaries for astrophysics.

The range of observed physical properties and various types of classification of binaries.

Basic elements describing the binary orbit.

Roche model.

Determination of times of minima or maxima, the O-C diagrams, changes of the orbital period.

Analysis of radial-velocity curves for double-line and single-line binaries.

Types of light curves and basic principles of the light-curve solutions.

Visual binaries and triple systems.

The Light-time effect, dynamical effects.

Manifestations of the apsidal motion, sideric, anomalistic and apsidal periods.

Deformations of the radial-velocity and light curves due to the presence of circumstellar matter in the system.

Observed phenomenological types of binaries.

Early and late evolutionary stages.

Contemporary theories of the origin of binaries and multiples, statistics of binaries in stellar population.


Definion of a binary, various classifications of binaries. Determination of the basic physical properties of spectroscopic, eclipsing and visual binaries. The role of the Roche model. Apsidal motion. Complications caused by the presence of circumstellar matter in the system. Various phenomenological types of binaries. Final evolutionary stages. Theories of the origin of binaries.

Optional lecture for students from the 3rd to 5th year of study and other interested parties. Opens usually once per two years.