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Physics of the Solar System

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 3 Physics of the Solar System

* 3.1 Hydrodynamics of protoplanetary disks 3.1.1 Magnetohydrodynamics with radiation transfer, Euler description 3.1.2 A role of particles and other physical effects 3.1.3 A relation between Euler and Lagrange formalisms 3.1.4 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability 3.1.5 Rayleigh-Taylor instability 3.1.6 Magneto-rotational instability 3.1.7 Streaming instability 3.1.8 Gravitational instability 3.1.9 Initial and boundary conditions 3.1.10 Formalism in program Pluto 3.1.11 Finite volume method (FVM) 3.1.12 Adaptive mesh refinement and multiprocessor computations

* 3.2 Dust accretion 3.2.1 Condensation of gas 3.2.2 Collisional growth of particles 3.2.3 Settlement towards the mid-plane of the disk 3.2.4 Spiralling due to gas drag 3.2.5 Turbulence

* 3.3 Planetesimals and embryos 3.3.1 Collisional growth of planetesimals up to planetary embryos 3.3.2 Gaseous and ice giant - gravitational collapse 3.3.3 Disappearance of the gas 3.3.4 Terrestrial planets - collisions of embryos 3.3.5 Differentiation

* 3.4 Migration of planets 3.4.1 Types of migration 3.4.2 Migration in the gas disk 3.4.3 Migration in the planetesimal disk and close encounters 3.4.4 Effects on primordial populations of small bodies

* 3.5 Moons and tides * 3.5.1 Gravitational tidal force 3.5.2 Earth-Moon 3.5.3 Moon-Earth 3.5.4 Earth-Sun 3.5.5 Neptune-Triton 3.5.6 Mars-Phobos 3.5.7 Pluto-Charon, binary asteroids 3.5.8 Mercury-Sun, Venus-Sun 3.5.9 Jupiter, Io and Europa

* 3.6 Rings * 3.6.1 Roche limit 3.6.2 Collisions in the ring 3.6.3 Gossamer rings of Jupiter 3.6.4 Main rings of Saturn 3.6.5 Uranus and Neptune rings

* 3.7 Asteroids 3.7.1 Nomenclature 3.7.2 Orbits 3.7.3 Light curves 3.7.4 Spectra and colours 3.7.5 Internal structure 3.7.6 Near-Earth objects 3.7.7 Binary asteroids 3.7.8 Asteroid families 3.7.9 Yarkovsky effect

* 3.8 Hydrodynamics of asteroid collisions 3.8.1 Lagrange formalism 3.8.2 Elasticity, plasticity and fractures 3.8.3 Smoothed-particle method (SPH) 3.8.4 Alternative expressions for spatial derivatives 3.8.5 Kernel or smoothing function 3.8.6 Artificial viscosity 3.8.7 K-d tree method 3.8.8 Multipole development 3.8.9 Initial and boundary conditions 3.8.10 Fragmentation phase 3.8.11 Reaccumulation phase 3.8.12 Scaling law for targets

* 3.9 Trans-Neptunian bodies 3.9.1 Orbital structures 3.9.2 Physical characteristics

* 3.10 Comets 3.10.1 Nomenclature 3.10.2 Activity 3.10.3 Gas 3.10.4 Dust 3.10.5 Nucleus 3.10.6 Physical evolution of comets 3.10.7 Magnetosphere 3.10.8 Orbital classification of comets 3.10.9 Oort cloud and long-period comets

* 3.11 Dust * 3.11.1 Zodiacal light and other observations of the dust 3.11.2 Asteroidal dust bands 3.11.3 Cometary dust trails

* 3.12 Fireballs and meteors 3.12.1 Atmospheric trajectory of the fireball 3.12.2 Deceleration and ablation 3.12.3 Meteor showers 3.12.4 Radar observations 3.12.5 Meteor spectra

* 3.13 Meteorites 3.13.1 Known falls and fields 3.13.2 Classification of meteorites 3.13.3 Isotopic ratios 3.13.4 Radiometric methods 3.13.5 Meteorites-asteroids associations 3.13.6 Transport of meteorites to the Earth

* 3.14 Impacts and craters * 3.14.1 Morphology of Ries and Steinheim craters 3.14.2 Processes during an impact 3.14.3 Moldavites and other tectites 3.14.4 Rankine-Hugoniot equations 3.14.5 Age determination of surfaces using cratering 3.14.6 A relation to mass extinctions

* 3.15 Volcanism * 3.15.1 Io 3.15.2 Triton 3.15.3 Europa 3.15.4 Enceladus 3.15.5 Differentiated asteroids 3.15.6 A comparison to planets 3.15.7 Classifications of eruptions


The origin and evolution of planetary systems, the Solar System, including small bodies.

Hydrodynamics of protoplanetary disks, radiometry, dust accretion, planetesimals and embryos, migration of planets, moons and tides, rings, asteroids, Yarkovsky effect, asteroid collisions, observed families, trans-Neptunian bodies, comets, dust, fireballs and meteors, meteorites, impacts and craters, volcanism.