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Elementary Processes in Cosmic Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Cosmic electrodynamics.

Radiation of an accelerated charged particle; bremsstrahlung; opacity for

Thompson scattering and free-free absorption; Liouville's theorem and its implication for conservation of intensity along the light ray; raditive transfer equation; synchrotron radiation; Compton scattering and inverse

Compton scattering; Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

Basic model of pulsar - aligned rotator

Accretion process.

Particles and fluid in astrophysics - basic (hydro)dynamical equations; spherical steady-state accretion; star moving through a nebula - Bondi accretion; disc accretion, viscosity, boundary layer, spectrum; accretion on black holes; high accretion - accretion torus, hydrodynamics of rotating fluids; other models of accretion discs - vertically integrated (slim) discs;

S-diagram; conditions for thermal and viscous stability.

Active galactic nuclei.

Elementary observational facts about quasars and related objects; standard model of active gelectic nuclei; continuum and spectral lines, cheracteristic time and length scales.


The most significant processes in particle astrophysics, synchrotron radiation, Compton scattering. The motion and radiation of charged particles under cosmic conditions.

Process of accretion.