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Transfer and Conversion of Energy in Biosystems

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Thermodynamics of biochemical reactions Biological cycle, energy and order, chemical potentials, activity, chemical affinity, chemical reactions, kinetics and equilibria, temperature dependence, theory of the transient complex, reversible and chain reactions, compartmental analysi *

2. Enzyme catalysis and regulation Chemical aspects of the enzyme catalysis, elementary steps, stady state kinetics, King-Altman method, one substrate one product, multiple substrates and products, regulation, allostery, models, effectors, inhibition, activation. *

3. Membrane transport Passive and active transport, uniport, symport, antiport, transporters, termodynamic aspects of the active transport, pores and channels, membrane potential, osmotic stability, intracellular pH, transport of macromolecules and particles, regulation *

4. Respiratory chain Structure and function of mitochondria, production of ATP, proton gradient *

5. Photosynthesis Structure and function of chloroplasts, antenae systemes, reaction center, electron transport, proton gradients, phosphorylation, sugar synthesis *

6. The nervous system Neurons, gated ion channels, action potential, neurotransmiters, postsynaptical potentials, synaptic modifications amd elliminations, grant postsynaptic potencial, adaptation, neuron networks *

7. Vision Molecular basis of the photoreception, vizual pigments, photoreceptors, ion channels, vizual excitation and adaptation, differences for vertebrata and invertebrata, role of calcium *

8. Active movement Muscle cells, actine and myosine, contraction role of calcium nad ATP, cellular and intracellular movement, microtubules, cilia .


Basic principles of bioenergetics in cells: thermodynamics of biochemical reactions, enzyme catalysis and regulation, membrane transport, respiratory chain, photosynthesis, neurons and transmition of electrical signals, photoreception, principles of muscle contraction, biomechanics.