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Separation Methods

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Importance of separation methods. Classification and selection.

Release from tissue.

Extraction. Liquid extraction. Solid phase extraction. Use.

Precipitation. Salting. Precipitation with a water-miscible organic liquid. Precipitation by change pH. Precipitation by formation of insoluble compounds.

Centrifugation. Methods. Types of centrifuges. Use. Analytical ultracentrifugation.

Division of substances by membrane. Membrane materials. Dialysis. Filtration. Reverse osmosis.

Chromatography. Introduction. general principles and classification. Detection. Choice of stationary phase.

Choice of mobile phase. Adsorption chromatography: Principle. Methodology. Classic columnar adsorption chromatography. Thin layer chromatography. Distributive chromatography: Principle. Methodology. Drop countercurrent chromatography. Paper chromatography. Chromatography on ion exchangers: Ion exchangers (ionexy). Methodology.

Use. Chromatofocusing. Gel permeation chromatography: Principle. Use.

Affinity chromatography. Principle. Choice of affinity. Use. Highly efficient liquid chromatography: Methodology. Application: SPE

Electrophoresis. Factors influencing ion movement. Classification of electrophoretic methods.

Free electrophoresis: Electrophoresis with a moving interface (Tiseliova). Continuous zone electrophoresis. Electrophoresis on supports: Electrophoresis in gels.

Isotachophoresis. Isoelectric focusing. Capillary electrophoresis. Combined electrophoretic methods: Electrochromatography. Immunoelectrophoresis. Importance electrophoresis for protein separation.

Crystallization. Crystallization from solution. Methods of growing single crystals biologically important substances.


Methods for preparation of biologically important material - extraction, centrifugation, membrane separations, chromatography, electrophoresis, crystallization.