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Physical Principles of Photosynthesis

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Overview of photosynthetic processes. Photosynthetic pigments and their physical properties, excitonic interactions.

Function of photosynthetic light harvesting systems: photon capture and excitation energy transfer. Function of photosynthetic reaction centres: charge separation and electron transfer.

Electron transport chain, cyclic and non-cyclic electron transfer. Energy transduction in membranes.

Non-photochemical quenching. Carbon metabolism.

Evolution of photosynthesis.


Overview of photosynthetic processes. Photosynthetic pigments and their physical properties, excitonic interactions.

Function of photosynthetic light harvesting systems: photon capture and excitation energy transfer. Function of photosynthetic reaction centres: charge separation and electron transfer.

Electron transport chain, cyclic and non-cyclic electron transfer. Energy transduction in membranes.

Non-photochemical quenching. Carbon metabolism.

Evolution of photosynthesis.