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Relaxation Behaviour of Polymers

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Structure of polymers

Chemical composition, polymerization

Stereoisomerism, conformations, configurations.

Branching, crosslinking, copolymers, blends of polymers

* Mechanical behavior


Basic types of deformations, mechanical functions

Boltzmann's superposition principle

Viscoelastic models, mechanical spectra

* Temperature dependence of viscoelastic behavior

Role of time (frequency)

Temperature-time superposition

Rate processes with constant activation energy, Williams - Landel - Ferry equation (WLF)

Molecular interpretation of WLF equation, free volume

* Molecular theory of viscoelastic behavior

Thermodynamic of deformation

Statistic of chain, rubber elasticity

Dynamic of polymer chain, diffusion equation

* Dielectric polarization

Polarization in static field

Polarization in time dependent field

Types of polarizations in electric field

* Dielectric functions

Methods of measurements

Measurement of complex permittivity

Dependence of permittivity on time and frequency, distribution functions

* Physical models of dielectric behavior

Harmonic oscillator

Diffusion transport

Relaxations with free charge


Phenomenological description and structural interpretation of relaxation behaviour of polymers. Methods of measurements of dynamic of polymer chains using dielectric and mechanical spectroscopy.

Molecular description of mechanical and dielectric relaxation behavior of complex macromolecular systems.