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Theory of Polymer Structures

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. Introduction a) Mechanisms of polymerizations b) Functionalities of reactants

* 2. Linear polymers a) Molecular weights, their distributions b) Determination of averages of molecular weights, moments c) Copolymers d) Determination of distribution functions from kinetic of reaction e) Experimental determination of distributions (osmometry, viscosimetry, gel chromatography)

* 3. Networks a) Network formation b) Classical approach to network formation c) Formalism of generating functions d) Theory of branching processes (TBP) e) TBP - one-component systems, description of structure before and after gel point f) TBP - many-component systems, description of structure before and after gel point g) Experimental methods for determination network structural parameters


Theoretical description of formation of linear and crosslinked polymers. Polydispersity and its determination.

Network formation, gel point and structural characteristics of networks.